Thursday, 28 August 2008

Chris Everard on Toward The Light 31.8!

Chris Everard

Chris Everard ~ Chris started his own film production organisation five years ago and has made the world’s only series of made-for-cinema political documentaries. It is the first non-fiction film series to go to FOUR volumes. THE ILLUMINATI series of films have changed people’s lives. Tens of thousands of copies are shipped all over the world. There is not a country on the face of planet earth which does not have a customer of his. And that includes Iraq, Syria, Jordan and other places which George Bush has bombed. In fact American Military personnel are some of his biggest fans!

His films are the most commonly watched films on Google Video and YouTube. In fact, illegal foreign translations of the films are watched by thousands of people every day. The films are also the most commonly pirated films on Ebay.

Chris was the first person to broadcast leaked audio and video clips of NASA astronauts discussing UFOs. His series of films about the secret space programme are the biggest selling films of their kind and the only UFO feature-length documentaries to play to cinema audiences in Europe. Consequently, he has upset the bosses of NASA even though two astronauts told him that his films were passed around amongst space shuttle crews on a weekly basis!

In 2007, Chris made Spirit World, the first and only feature-length made-for-cinema documentary about life after death. It exposed for the first time the highest rituals and magical ceremonies of many secret societies. It was the first film to ever prove that the inventor of Television, John Logie Baird, actually stumbled across his invention due to experiments with psychic mediums and cathode ray tubes...

Please click on image for more detailed information about Chris and his fine body of work.

He's produced some powerful films—some of which feature David Icke. These include Spirit World, Secret Space, Lady Die and more. We will be discussing the findings revealed in Spirit World—a feature-length documentary exposing the techniques of spirit communication used by psychics, shamans and scientists throughout the ages.

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Jerry Wennstrom on Toward The Light 24.8!

Jerry Wennstrom ~ Artist, author Jerry Wennstrom was born in New York on January 13, 1950. He attended Rockland Community College and the State University of New Paltz. After producing a large body of work, at age 29 he set out to discover the rock-bottom truth of his life. For years he questioned the limits of his creative life as a studio painter. After destroying all of his art and giving away everything he owned, Jerry began a life of unconditional trust, allowing life to provide all that was needed. He lived this way for 15 years. In 1998 he moved to Washington State, where he eventually married Marilyn Strong and produced a large new body of art. Marilyn and Jerry’s charming Whidbey Island home is now filled with his unique interactive sculptures and paintings. Jerry also built a 40-foot meditation tower on his property, which is featured along with his story in a book by Laura Chester called Holy Personal.

Jerry's story is told in his book, The Inspired Heart: An Artist’s Journey of Transformation (foreword by Thomas Moore) published by Sentient Publications and in the Parabola Magazine documentary film called In the Hands of Alchemy: The Art and Life of Jerry Wennstrom. There is also a Sentient Publications DVD with the same name, which includes a short new film called Studio Dialogue. Studio Dialogue is a presentation Jerry did before a live audience with music by Susan McKeown, sung by Marilyn Strong. Jerry travels internationally lecturing, teaching and presenting his film and work and he writes a monthly piece on the spirit of the times for a New York City consulting firm.

Jerry Wennstrom has presented at the Birmingham Art Museum, the Seattle Art Museum, the EMP (Experience Music Project), Glen Arbor Art Association, the Old Firehouse Art Center, Other Side Arts, Pacifica Graduate Institute, UCS-NAROPA (Wisdom University), the Vancouver Public Library, Western New Mexico University, California Institute of the Arts and NYU. He has also done over 50 radio, TV and magazine interviews and art features.

The Inspired Heart

The Inspired Heart

Here's an amazing example of someone who's been committed to being true-to-soul, no matter what, and his story is one of great triumph, indeed. This is sure to be a most compelling and inspiring show! Tune in!

Friday, 15 August 2008

Jen-Irishu on Toward The Light 17.8!

Jen-Irishu ~ Hello, my name is Jen-Irishu, which means Rainbow Bridge to God. (Iris means rainbow bridge and Hu is God).

From as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by 'why are we here?'. What is our purpose? I can recall asking my mother, 'if God made the world, who made God?' 'Blind faith, Jen', my mother replied.

As I approached my forties, after a broken marriage, my psychic abilities began to escalate. Fortunately for me I landed a position working in a Medical Clinic as a receptionist, where all of the girls who also worked there were spiritually gifted in many areas, such as Reiki, massage, meditation and yoga.

Wow! I had come home. All of those questions that I had been searching for were in one or other of their book shelves. I became a sponge. Yet, as I read, something in me knew what I was reading about. It was a 'knowing' like no other that I had ever experienced before. Yes, I had come home.

So began my Spiritual journey. Before I knew it I was doing Tarot readings. That wasn't enough for me, I then began my healing technique that I call 'Rainbow healing form the heart'. You can read about this in my book Messages of Love: My Spiritual Awakening.

I now travel the countryside, sharing my amazing story, leading workshops, giving hands-on healing, radio and television appearances and I am available as a guest speaker. What an incredible life I have!

I believe that we all have the ability to receive ALL the guidance and healing that we require, by trusting and having the faith to listen to that 'still small voice within' that gently guides us down our yellow brick road that we call life.

After the passing of my 'other wing', as devastating as it was, I have been fortunate enough to be given a glimpse of what life is like on 'the Other Side' thanks to my love whom I call 'The Boy'. I now understand that he died so that I may live, truly live in the real sense, so that I can help YOU to heal YOUR hearts.

I am available on line to assist you with Spiritual Counselling. I am also going to offer to you the gift of global group healing.

Messages of Love

Note: I apologise for getting this up so late, but I've been very ill again, so thank you for your patience. This is sure to be a very heartwarming show with a very kind and nurturing soul!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Robert Caplan on Toward The Light 10 August!

Robert Caplan

Robert Caplan ~ While serving aboard the U.S. Navy carrier USS Forestall flight crewmanb Robert Caplan experienced a dramatic death. Not only was he given last rights but he continued to move between worlds before coming to rest in this one. His amazing experience of leaving his body gives one pause as we consider what our experience will be as we transition into in the next world.

Robert Caplan holds degrees in Science Education, Social Work—both from Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan—and has training in pastoral psychotherapy; he has taught at all levels from kindergarten through college. He has experience as a national communications trainer for parents, teachers, clergy, therapists, law enforcement personnel and executives. From 1992 to 1996, he taught Adult and Career Development within the Department of Transpersonal Counselling Psychology at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Since 2001, Caplan has served as a volunteer chaplain at the Boulder Community Hospital.

He is currently completing a book that will chronicle his afterlife since his near-death experience in 1957 while serving as a plane captain on the flight deck of the USS Forrestal. Robert’s life work is sharing his story as an inspirational speaker and delivering seminar presentations which enhance personal awareness and creativity, as well as social and business relationships. He is also available for individual support by appointment and small group discussion focused on life transitions.

The details of Robert's NDE (not mentioned above) are absolutely heart-wrenching, but this is going to reveal yet another shining example of a true 'walking miracle' who was brought back to offer yet more proof that life is, indeed. eternal. Don't miss this show! You will be utterly captivated!

Sunday, 3 August 2008

A Powerful Show Despite Technical Glitches!

Whenever we do a transmission of Toward The Light, I make it a point to be as professional as possible, but sometimes there's nothing one can do when there are numerous technical problems, and today was simply one of those days that seemed destined to have one thing after the other go awry ... so we just had to grin and bear it and try to remain in good humour! Alas, it is more difficult when you're doing everything via telephone and the equipment just gets in a bad mood and decides not to cooperate! Phooey!

This show was one of those that was beset with problems from the get-go. Don (at BBS Radio) was having problems with the telephone lines and other equipment; plus the fact that he couldn't seem to make the connection when trying to ring my guest, Steve Mitchell in the UK. The show started late as a result and it was hard to hear each other, but Steve and I flowed into a good dialogue nonetheless.

I was very much appreciating the dialogue we had, as he was able to put the lofty experiences, facts and discoveries that I find utterly ineffable to describe into neat and clear scientific terms. It also helped that, indeed, we had so much in common—from both having very mystical and enchanting experiences since childhood—thus being focused on the spiritual path; we're both musicians, Reiki practitioners, researchers and writers, among other things. Another thing we've got in common is that we both wanted to figure out how and why things work the way they do—doing what we can to balance the experiences and discoveries with a clear understanding of them in ways that we can integrate them into the more 'tangible' realm, thus bridging the gap between various dimensions of reality. This, in tern can help one to realise that all of this is totally natural and part of the divine order.

In fact, it was wonderful to note, for example, that we even referred to a number of the same things such as the fact that we're living in a multiverse and being multi-dimensional and so on. We also spoke of energy and everything having a specific frequency. Both being in music made it easy to speak in a language that we're very familiar and resonate with. Still, Steve is way ahead of me in being able to explain all of this in scientific and even mathematical terms which is something I lack entirely.

All of this was brilliantly conveyed in his film, Dragons and Rings. Yes, the visuals are very necessary in order for this material to make proper sense and have meaning. When I saw Steve's film, I was so taken by its beautiful imagery and clear narration which he did himself. He taps upon so many things that I've been experiencing and speaking about for years; yet, again, he's able to put so much of this into scientific terms that I've never had the gift to convey—thus validating things in ways that make all this much easier to grasp for those who need things to not be quite so lofty or seemingly out of reach!

Sadly, as we were coming to the close of the programme, we somehow both got cut off, so I wasn't able to sign off and close the show properly. I couldn't acknowledge and thank Steve on the air for sharing his brilliant discoveries as he's sojourned on this magnificent journey that ultimately resulted in the production of Dragons and Rings. Again, it was just one of those days full of mishaps that were entirely beyond our control. Well, now I will, indeed, say thank you, Steve, for your kind sharing on the show!

The love was clearly there, in spite of the lack of a smooth transmission of Toward The Light.