Sunday, 27 April 2008

Thank You Joanna! :)

It was such an honour having Joanna Garzilli on Toward The Light—especially given that she'd been feeling quite rough all week, with a high fever and needing to rest ... so she was very kind to come on and share with the listeners as she did, in spite of such short notice and still not feeling well.

It was clear that we've got much in common—both in our vocations as intuitive practitioners and the goal to help teach others to use and trust their own intuition. As we shared in dialogue together—both on and off the air—I believe we each found comfort in each other's mutual commitment to this special work to not only remove the stigma associated with being 'psychic', but also to help educate, heal and empower the masses with awakening their own innate wisdom and awareness that come from the soul.

As was pointed out during the show, everyone is intuitive by nature, but sadly have been conditioned out of it—usually at a very young age. Now, however, as more and more people are finally awakening, they're starting to realise how important and necessary it is to put their intuition to good use on a daily basis. Not only that, it's very natural to be intuitive; there's nothing 'woo-woo' about it! You just see; you just know; you're just aware ... and that's all there is to it. It's allowing yourself to be aware with the whole of your being, not merely being limited to five-sensory perception.

I was introduced to Joanna as a result of a teleconference that was held last week where Joanna was speaking with Heidi Hockman—a lovely lady that I'm acquainted with who lost her vision four years ago—and the conversation was centred on how Heidi was now having to use and rely on her own intuition all the more, now that she could no longer see with her eyes. What's interesting is that Heidi was acknowledging that she could 'see' far better as a result of using her 'third eye' than when she used her physical eyes. She's far less distracted and a lot more perceptive and aware, being able to see the things that truly matter now. This dialogue was so compelling and exciting to me, indeed. What better opportunity to validate the importance of using our intuition to help us navigate more easily in our lives and to enjoy the gift of discernment than using the example of those of us who are blind and visually impaired?

I had to jump on this one! I finally spoke up and acknowledged these two wonderful women and the tremendous information that they were sharing. Then, when I got the word that my guest who'd originally been scheduled for this week's show had to cancel, I jumped on the opportunity to invite Joanna onto the show. There was something so auspicious about all this—lots of synchronicity here—and the timing couldn't have been more perfect!

Joanna offers an eZine where she teaches people how to use their intuition. You can visit her website at and sign up for her newsletter. You'll truly get a lot out of it, I'm sure. Her book, Unleash the Psychic In You, will be released later this year, but you can order it now via her website.

Many thanks to Joanna for being my guest and we'll be sure to have her back on TTL!

What a wonderful show! I listened and loved every minute! ~ Heidi Hockman

I did listen in. Loved it, as usual. ~ Josie Varga

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